
We are aware that our operations can have an impact on the environment and are therefore committed to:

  • Minimising their negative impact on the global and local environment, community, society and economy.
  • Complying fully with the relevant UK and international environmental regulatory requirements.
  • Integrating sustainability considerations into our business decisions.
  • Working with suppliers to source and supply products with low environmental impact.
  • Identifying, controlling and disposing of products that have special handling and waste treatment needs.
  • Continual environmental improvement in respect of the products we sell and our internal operations.
  • Enquiries about any aspect of the environmental and sustainability policy should be referred to any Manager or our Environmental Compliance Manager at Head Office.

WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)

Electric Center, as a trading division of Edmundson Electrical, is both a "distributor" and a "producer" of WEEE.

As a distributor under the WEEE regulations, we are obliged to provide the following information to customers:

  • The symbol below, when found on electrical and electronic equipment, indicates that at the end of its life it should not be treated as normal household waste.
  • Every year the UK throws away around 2 million tonnes of WEEE. If this waste is not disposed of correctly, there could be potential harm to your health and the environment.
  • To ensure safe treatment and to increase re-use and recycling of material we offer in-store take-back for any waste electrical product. If you the purchaser/account holder are the end user of the product, this "like for like" (old for new) service is free.
  • For more information about recycling WEEE, packaging materials and many other waste items, take a look at WasteConnect www.wasteconnect.co.uk.

As a producer under the WEEE regulations, Edmundson Electrical has joined the WEEELink Producers Scheme and has been issued with the WEEE producer number FB0071UZ. All WEEE for which Electric Center is producer will be marked with the following logo:



Electric Center also provides a service for commercial users to take back their WEEE and a free take-back scheme for batteries of a type sold by the business. Contact your local location for details.

Register of Producers

All producers of WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment) are obliged to register with a Producer Compliance Scheme. The register of producers is co-ordinated by the Environment Agency. Download the register here

Hazardous Waste

All Electric Center locations are permitted and licensed to accept hazardous waste that falls within the scope of the WEEE regulations. This includes fluorescent lamps, discharge lamps, refrigerators and CRT displays.

Waste Carriage

Edmundson Electrical holds the following waste carrier's licences:

England, Scotland and Wales
Northern Ireland
ROC UT 2517

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